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Kennedy Hebert, right, from Morgan City High School and Allyssa Young from Hanson Memorial are members of the La Starz 2000 softball team that won the USFA World Series in Panama City Beach, Florida, on Saturday. Hebert had eight hits with a .571 average; seven singles, one home run, five RBIs, and eight runs scored. Young had also had eight hits with a .571 average; six singles, two doubles, six RBIs and four runs scored. Neither player struck out during the tournament. The tournament was held July 12-18.
--Submitted photos

Locals do well in USFA World Series win

Kennedy Hebert from Morgan City High School and Allyssa Young from Hanson Memorial are members of the La Starz 2000 softball team that won the USFA World Series in Panama City Beach, Florida, on Sa


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