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Turner promoted at Patterson State Bank

Bill Marin, board chairman of Patterson State Bank, has announced that Sandra K. Turner has been promoted to the position of assistant vice president of the bank.
Turner started her employment with PSB in 1991 as a teller, was promoted to head teller in 1997, became a customer service rep in 2004, and was then promoted to her current position of new accounts manager/CSR in 2011.
Turner is a 1983 graduate of Patterson High School and has completed the Louisiana Bankers Supervisory Training program. She was elected to the City Council of Patterson in 2010, at which time she was also mayor pro tem for the city. Turner is now in her second term of serving on the city council of Patterson.
She served on the Biddy Basketball Board for 13 years and was the president of that organization for 10 years. Turner is married to Ronny R. Turner and their children are Tina, Javin and the late Shanqualla.
“Sandra is the type of person that has made PSB a better business. She is extremely customer service oriented and has demonstrated very good leadership qualities and attitude. We are fortunate to have Sandra on our team,” Marin said.

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