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More than stars shine brightly in Texas

By Jeanne Phillips © 2014 Universal Press Syndicate

DEAR ABBY: I am an adult heterosexual male who has discovered that I like wearing nail polish. I feel it should not be a matter of gender, but of taste and fashion.
I wore a reasonably bold color in public for the first time a week before last. It was a light, metallic blue that changes to green in the sunlight. I got a few raised eyebrows and a few compliments in my conservative, small town. I was told, however, to leave the color red to the ladies.
I know some companies are already marketing nail color for men, and I hope nail decor for both genders will one day become mainstream.
I want to help that process along. What do you think, Abby?

DEAR SHOWIN’: Although over the last few years I have seen males wear nail polish, it was usually a very dark color and the wearer was a rock star or a Goth.
Frankly, I think that for an adult heterosexual male to wear light blue nail polish in public in the great state of Texas shows he is not only a trendsetter, but also has a lot of guts.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 38-year-old woman who divorced four years ago. I’m educated, attractive and have a successful career. My 18-year-old son lives with me and attends a junior college.
I am having a hard time finding romance because most of the men want to survive on my income, or are put off that I have a son at home.
I recently met a guy who seems to be head over heels in love with me. He has had little education and abused drugs and alcohol for a long time, but he has changed now.
He has three children, but because he is unemployed, he’s exempt from paying alimony, and he is fine with the idea. He’d like to have them on weekends, but the mother won’t allow it.
Should I go ahead and date him? He doesn’t seem to mind that I have a child, but my intuition tells me he may be another fortune hunter.
How can I find a suitable partner without appearing desperate?

DEAR LONELY LADY: Listen to your intuition and end this relationship now unless you want to support this man in perpetuity. The longer you’re involved, the harder it will be to end it, so don’t procrastinate.

It’s time to widen your circle of acquaintances. Meet colleagues in your field through conferences and seminars. Develop new interests and you will meet more people.

Volunteer with charities that interest you and you will meet worthwhile members of both sexes who may introduce you to an unattached friend or relative.

Above all, don’t succumb to desperation. You have much to offer and a lot of life ahead of you. Follow my suggestions and your chances of finding what you’re looking for will improve.
For an excellent guide to becoming a better conversationalist and a more sociable person, order “How to Be Popular.” Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 to: Dear Abby, Popularity Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447.

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