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Holy Cross Elementary names Student of Year

Staff Report

Alexa Celine Laubach has been named Holy Cross Elementary School’s Student of the Year for 2016-2017. The Student of the Year Awards program recognizes outstanding students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement, leadership ability, and citizenship.
Alexa, a Principal’s List student who lives in Morgan City, is 10 years old and is the daughter of Celine Lee Laubach and David Laubach.
She has won the top scholastic award in her class each year .since second grade and receives all A’s in conduct. She has been identified as a Duke University Talent Identification Program member and has had an essay published in the Houma-Thibodaux diocesan magazine, The Bayou Catholic. Alexa’s art talent has shown itself in the MC Bank Hometown Spirit contest where she was named the City Grand Winner in 2012 and won 3rd place in 2016.
Alexa is a fifth grader in Mrs. Katie Rock’s class and has attended Holy Cross Elementary School since Pre-K3. She has many interests including singing, directing live theater, fashion design, and acting. Alexa has attended dance classes since she was four years old and has been a member of the Central Catholic Spirit Dance/Cheer Squad. She sang in Holy Cross choir and has danced with Dominique’s School of Dance since she was four-years-old. Alexa has played soccer and plays on the Central Catholic Junior High volleyball team.
Laubach voices concern for several areas of society today. Abortion, the homeless, and unemployment are some of today’s issues that are topics of concern for her. Child abduction through social media is another concern that has influenced her to try to educate her fellow students through a social studies fair project emphasizing the dangers of internet predators and the sharing of personal information.

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