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L.L. “Larry” Mendoza Jr.

Mendoza announces candidacy for Patterson City Council seat

NOTE: The Daily Review will accept candidate announcements until Oct. 1. Announcements may be up to 600 words and include a photograph of the candidate. Announcements may be emailed to or delivered to the newspaper office at 1014 Front St., Morgan City. Candidates are limited to one free announcement. Announcements are subject to editing.
The candidate announcement for L.L. “Larry” Mendoza Jr. follows.
Fellow citizens, my name is L.L. “Larry” Mendoza Jr., and I am seeking re-election to the Patterson City Council. I have lived in Patterson for the last 69 years. I am a graduate of Patterson High School and Nicholls State University with a bachelor of science degree in business administration. I have extensive management and supervisory experience, and I am familiar with fiscal, budgetary, and governmental affairs.
My late wife, Sandy, and I are the parents of four children, Lee, David, Sally and Michael. I have eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. I am a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, where I serve as a lector.
I serve on the Patterson Economic Development Sustainability Committee and serve as an ex-officio member of the Patterson Cultural Committee.
Since I am retired, I have the time to devote to you, the mayor, and other city council members in helping to make Patterson the best place to live in St Mary Parish.
The City of Patterson continues to grow. People are continuing to move to Patterson to live because they like what they see happening here. The citizens of Patterson, together with civic organizations and city employees, continue to improve the physical appearance of the city.
In the last four years, we have made good progress in the areas of concern to the people. Working with the school board, we have facilitated the securing of the property needed by the school board to build a new junior high school.
In the process, we have gained a commitment from the school board to let us have some parts of the old school buildings for use in meeting the needs of the people, especially senior citizens and children.
We have made great progress in correcting the drainage issues, especially south of the railroad tracks. We are in the final stages of the process of solving the expansion and renovation problems of the water plant by constructing a larger, more modern water treatment system.
We are addressing the need for repair of some of our streets. We have attracted new businesses to the city and are continuing to work toward securing additional commitments from businesses to locate here.
We have continued to work with state officials to make sure that your needs are met in the construction of the new controlled access Interstate 49.
Although we have made a lot of progress in correcting the issues, we still have work to do. With your permission and support, I would like to continue to serve you as your city councilman. With God’s help and your vote and support, I pledge to continue to work to serve you to the best of my ability, and I will do my best to see that your needs are met.
Working together with the mayor, other city council members, and other city departments, we can make Patterson a truly great place to live and raise our families.
Thank you for your vote and support.
Information for the Nov. 4, Dec. 6 elections
The qualifying period was Aug. 20, 21 and 22.
Early voting is Oct. 21-28 (except Sunday) from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the Nov. 4 primary election.
Early voting for the Dec. 6 general election is Nov. 22-29 (except Sunday) from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Elections on the St. Mary Parish ballot include U.S. senator, U.S. representative, court of appeal judge, district judges, district attorney, school board member, justice of the peace, constables; Morgan City city court judge, Morgan City city court marshal; Patterson mayor, Patterson chief of police, Patterson council; Berwick mayor, Berwick council; Franklin city court judge, Franklin city court marshal; and Baldwin mayor, Baldwin chief of police and Baldwin aldermen.

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