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The Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association held its annual awards ceremony Saturday at the St. Mary Senior Center in Morgan City. Rick Sartwell was named Bowler of the Year for the second consecutive year. (Submitted Photo/Courtesy of Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association)

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Jerry Pillaro was named Senior Bowler of the year for the Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association. He was presented his plaque during Saturday’s awards ceremony at the St. Mary Senior Citizens Center. (Submitted Photo/Courtesy of Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association)

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The doubles champion of the John “Push” Rogers Memorial
Association Championships Tournament was Rick Sartwell, left
and Steve Buckner. For their championship finish, the duo
received the Leo Morvant Memorial Award at Saturday’s Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association awards ceremony at the St. Mary Senior Citizens Center. (The Daily Review/Geoff Stoute)

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The Allen Price Memorial Award is given to the team champions of the John “Push” Rogers Memorial Tournament.
This year’s championship team consisted of, from left, Cole Gros, Austin Landry, Steve Buckner, Taylor Brocato and Dustin Fuselier. The team received its award during Saturday’s Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association awards ceremony. (Submitted Photo/Courtesy of Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress Bowling Association)

MCUSBC holds awards ceremony

Staff Report

The Morgan City U.S. Bowling Congress’ Bowling Association held its annual meeting and awards banquet Saturday at the St. Mary Senior Citizens Center.
Bowler of the Year and Senior Bowler of the Year awards were named, the John “Push”
Rogers Memorial Association Championships Tournament awards were given as well as
the 700 Club Champion and the association’s scholarship.
For the second consecutive year, Rick Sartwell was named Bowler of the Year, while Jerry
Pillaro was named Senior Bowler of the Year.
Kenny Keton Jr. was recognized as the 700 Club Tournament champion.
Berwick High graduate Mark Lemoine was recognized as the winner of the association’s
$400 scholarship.
John “Push” Rogers Memorial Association Championships Tournament award winners were:
—Allen Price Memorial Award (team champions): Cole Gros, Austin Landry, Steve Buckner, Taylor Brocato and Dustin Fuselier.
—Leo Morvant Memorial Award (doubles champion): Rick Sartwell and Steve Buckner.
—Mike Duke Memorial Award (Singles Champion): Rick Sartwell.
—Bobby Froreich Memorial Award (All Events Handicap Champion): Cole Gros.
—Roland Crappell Memorial Award (City Champion, All Events Scratch Champion):
Anthony Falgout Jr.

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