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Patriotic group supports amendment protecting patriotic sites

The Attakapas Chapter of the Louisiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has formally endorsed passage of a constitutional amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana to protect historic sites, monuments, memorials, statues and things honoring those who gave aid and comfort to the cause of the American Revolution, the founding fathers, the nation’s presidents, supporters of the Constitution and those soldiers, sailors and officers who served, were wounded or died in the Wars of the United States of America.
The endorsement came in a formal resolution of the Executive Committee of the Attakapas Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution meeting in Lafayette, Louisiana. The full text of the resolution is attached herewith.
The resolution was passed overwhelmingly on the motion and urging of former Chapter President, W. Thomas “Tom” Angers.
Angers said: “The issue of preservation of historic monuments, structures, memorials and sites is a matter of intense public interest and debate that has been of concern to a large number of Louisianian’s for some time. It is time for the legislature to permit the people of Louisiana to speak on this issue to give direction to the laws and public policy of the State of Louisiana.”
“All sites, memorials, monuments, statutes, and things honoring those who fought in the American Revolution or who gave aid and comfort to the cause of the Revolution should be forever preserved and protected. Further the same protection should be given to those landmarks and things honoring Soldiers, Sailors and Officers of the Wars of the United States of America because the efforts of each such citizen helped to preserve and protect and extend what was fought for and won in the American Revolution for each living American and those yet unborn” Angers said.
“Those who fought in our Wars were a professional class of citizens and whether they were wounded, killed or survived the war in which they served, all physical manifestations honoring their service should always be a place of honor and maintained forever inviolate.”
“The creative physical, memorial and monumental heritage of our state and the inscriptions and wording on them are expressions of past free speech of those who are deceased and who can no longer speak for themselves. This includes the honorees, citizens, citizen committee members, public officials and representative public bodies speaking for private citizens in the exercise of our constitutional free speech of the past. This must never be tampered with, destroyed or hidden. This past free speech of our deceased citizens should be protected finally, constitutionally and forever by an amendment to our Louisiana Constitution.”

The Attakapas Chapter, Louisiana Society, Sons of the American Revolution does hereby urge and request that the Louisiana Legislature, and each chamber thereof, pass a constitutional amendment for submission to and review and consideration by the citizens of the State of Louisiana prohibiting the destruction, dismantling, removal. moving, storage or hiding of historic monuments, structures, images, plaques and things and any vestiges thereof and forbidding the elimination of historic sites and particularly those monuments, buildings, structures , images, plaques, things and sites pertaining to the American Revolution and its patriots and those who gave aid and comfort to the cause of the American Revolution and those serving in the American Revolution, our Founding Fathers, our nations presidents, supporters of our nations Constitution and the officers and soldiers and sailors of the Wars of the United States of America.
This resolution shall be transmitted immediately upon passage to all members of the Louisiana Senate and House of Representatives and the leadership of each chamber and forthwith disseminated to the press and major news organizations in Louisiana so that the citizens of Louisiana, and each and all of them may participate in an open and uninhibited debate and final resolution of this most important and vital issue that affects all Louisianians living and yet unborn."

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