LABI hires researcher

L LABI hired Camille Pampell Conaway as the vice president of policy and research to lead LABI’s policy research initiatives, a Louisiana Association of Business and Industry news release stated.
Conaway is an expert in the field of public policy research and Louisiana state government with experience that spans a variety of sectors, including the state budget, education, ethics reform, transportation, and public safety.
LABI President Stephen Waguespack said, “Camille is an extraordinarily talented person and will greatly enhance the research, content, and advocacy capabilities of our organization. Camille is well respected throughout the capital and among policy stakeholders. She will help us build on LABI’s strong reputation in pursuing well-researched, reform-minded policies to help grow our state’s economy. We are very excited that she will be joining our team.”
Prior to joining LABI, Conaway was an independent public policy researcher, strategist, and advocate.
 Examples of her most recent work include the research and production of a report on the workforce needs and solutions for Louisiana’s deep-water oil and gas industry and the coordination of a coalition of stakeholders in the public and private sectors to support transformational education reform in Louisiana.
She has previously served throughout her career in a variety of positions focused on research and policy, including as a policy expert in the office of Gov, Bobby Jindal, the lead researcher for Blueprint Louisiana, and research projects for groups such as the Baton Rouge Area Chamber and Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association.

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