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Soap Opera Review: Fisticuffs on ‘BATB’

by Nancy Johnson © 2014 Universal Press Syndicate

THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL: Maya was upset when she didn’t receive the recognition she expected for being the newest lead model for Forrester Creations. Bill threw a punch at Ridge after accusing him of taking advantage of Caroline.
DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Eve ordered J.J., who feels guilty that he slept with her, to end his relationship with her daughter Paige. Theresa, who learned she isn’t pregnant (her embryo was implanted in Kristen), lied to Brady that she’s with someone new.
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jack (Jason) moved into Elizabeth’s home while he recuperates and is getting to know her son Cameron. Sam and Patrick are suspicious of Ned’s father Larry, who suddenly returned to town. Sam and Patrick are getting close again.
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Joe suggested to Lauren that she open one of her boutiques in the real estate development he’s working on. Devon warned Hilary that Colin knows about their relationship. Kelly worried about whether she has a future with Jack.

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