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Psychologist says Pistorius is ‘broken man’

We are now dealing with a broken man, but he is still alive.

(AP) — Oscar Pistorius is a “broken man” after killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and has already suffered emotionally and financially, a psychologist called by the Olympic runner’s lawyers testified Monday ahead of his sentencing.
Dr. Lore Hartzenberg gave the testimony ahead of Pistorius’ sentencing for culpable homicide, and it was almost immediately characterized by the chief prosecutor as lacking balance. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel also expressed shock after a defense witness suggested Pistorius be sentenced to occasional house arrest and community service for shooting dead his girlfriend.
After Hartzenberg described how Pistorius had suffered since the Valentine’s Day killing last year, Nel noted that the double-amputee athlete likely still has the chance to rebuild his life and possibly continue his career, whereas Reeva Steenkamp is dead and her family is devastated.
“We are now dealing with a broken man, but he is still alive,” the prosecutor said. He asked the psychologist what she knew about Steenkamp.
“Do you know anything about her dreams, what she wanted to do in life?” Nel said.
Later a social worker from South Africa’s correctional services department, who was also called to testify by defense lawyers, suggested Pistorius should serve a three-year correctional supervision sentence for negligently shooting Steenkamp. That would include periods of house arrest but no prison time, and allow Pistorius to train and attend athletics meets again.

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